We did a simple 6 mile leg, starting from Hurds island in Aurora, and taking out in downtown Oswego. We had to portage around the dam in Montgomery. The portage is easy, less than a quarter mile. Just make sure you stay left as you come into the area, because right takes you close to the dam. You take out, go up and down a short hill, then dump back in the water.
There is a park on the north east corner of 34/fox river in oswego. It has NO overnight parking. However, on the other side of 34 (SE corner of road and river), there is a lot with no restrictions. I left my car overnight without issue there.
Bugs: There were very few bugs on the island, which was somewhat typical for late may. However, I made a run across the river after dusk for Gatorade... and there were clouds of gnats you wouldn't believe. Too dark for pictures, but it was just a consistent cloud forcing me to keep my head way down to prevent mouthfuls.
Low spots: This portion of the river is one of the lowest of it's length. Better for kayaking than canoeing. Not terrible though. I've seen worse areas on the dupage.